With the widespread adoption of remote learning today, questions such as "What is e-learning? What is its purpose? How is e-learning used for corporate development? How are remote learning infrastructures established?" have started to emerge. We have compiled all the details on this topic in this article.
Thanks to technology that makes every aspect of our lives easier, time and place restrictions have been removed from education as well. Recently, the concept of e-learning, or in other words, remote education, has entered our lives. E-learning is a learning method that can be conducted live in a digital environment or made interactive with tools such as pre-loaded videos, Q&A sessions, games, and simulations. Nowadays, people can instantly join online training sessions even with their mobile phones and continue their learning process uninterrupted.
We all better understood the importance of remote learning during the pandemic period. Initially, education was interrupted, and then the necessity of e-learning systems became apparent. But were schools the only ones whose education process was disrupted? Of course not. Institutions were also significantly affected by this process. Institutions without a prior remote learning infrastructure sought ways to continue their educational processes.
With the acceleration of digital transformation, the concept of remote learning, or e-learning, is used by institutions for many different reasons. Especially in recent years, e-learning has become indispensable for corporate development. Therefore, institutions are looking for answers to questions such as "What is e-learning? What is its purpose? How to transition to a remote education system?" Training processes in companies are rapidly being adapted to remote learning. So, why is remote learning preferred?
E-learning infrastructures are categorized differently based on whether the education is given live, its interactivity, and the delivery and reception methods. These different methods make education more effective and increase flexibility.
Synchronous education is a real-time learning method. Instructors and participants can interact in a virtual environment simultaneously. This education method is carried out with tools such as video conferences, live webinars, and instant messaging. Students can participate in the lesson and ask real-time questions. A secure and uninterrupted internet infrastructure is necessary for the security of information and continuous education in synchronous remote learning. This remote learning method can be used in all fields. It is especially widely used in fields such as engineering, visual arts, physics, and chemistry.